Win free items and earn money from the sales you bring to us!


Anybody can apply to our Affiliate Partnership Program to win free items and up to 20% from sales with their referral code. We are now accepting sponsor and partnership requests from any social media platform, such as Instagram, Tumblr, Youtube, Facebook, TikTok and Twitter.

How does it work?

We provide you with a 15% discount code to promote our shop as a sponsor. For the first 5 sales associated with your code (used during payment checkout on our site when purchasing), you are able to get a free item from our shop to review and keep!

For every additional sale after the first 5, you can earn up to 20% from every sale.

You can go about promoting in many ways such as referring your code to friends, family, or followers on your social media by using photos and videos of our items.

How to apply?

All requests must be sent to, our Instagram profile @adanajewelry or Facebook page Adana Jewelry. In the email, please include all the following information in the list.

  • Name / Age / Country of residence 
  • Social media platform you will promote us on?
  • Followers count 
  • Link or username to your Instagram, Tumblr, Twitter, Facebook, or wherever you plan to promote us
  • The name of the discount code you would like to promote with

What purchases count toward a reward?

Any purchase made by the referred person. The person must be actually referred and can’t be an existing customer. Those purchases have no minimum price criteria.

How are the referral bonuses paid out?

Referral rewards are usually paid directly via PayPal, but we are also open to other options. Therefore, be sure to inform us of your preference and, possibly, the email address you use for PayPal.

Sales Partnership Program

In addition to our affiliate program, you can also apply for our Sales Partnership Program and get certified as a Sales Partner to resell our products to your clients. Please contact us to learn more about our Sales Partnership Program.

If you are a public personality with 10k+ followers on any social media, email us for additional opportunities at!